High Energy Rate Forging (HERF) Facility
Home / Areas of Practice / Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) / EEOICP: Facility List / High Energy Rate Forging (HERF) Facility
State: California
Location: Oxnard
Time Period: 1984-1997
Facility Type: Department of Energy
Facility Description
The Department of Energy purchased this facility in 1984 for the purpose of producing forgings for weapons parts. It consists of 13.75 acres and 7 buildings. The DOE Rocky Flats Plant managed the forging process and produced forgings at this location through 1995. In 1994, DOE decided to close the facility upon completion of its defense-related mission in 1996. The facility was sold on June 30, 1997.
CONTRACTORS: Kaiser Hill (1995-1997); EG&G Rocky Flats, Inc. (1989-1995); Rockwell International (1975-1989)
High Energy Rate Forging (HERF) Facility is listed as an Atomic Weapons Employer (AWE) site and as a Department of Energy (DOE) site under the EEOICPA.
High Energy Rate Forging (HERF) Facility Workers
If you or your parent worked at this or any other AWE facility and became ill, you may be entitled to compensation of up to $150K plus medical benefits from the US Department of Labor. Call EEOICPA Counsel Hugh Stephens at 1-855-EEOICPA (336-4272) or fill out the form to the right, whether or not you have already filed a claim and even if your claim has been accepted or denied.
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If you or your parent worked any of the DOE or AWE facilities listed on this website and became ill, you may be entitled to compensation of up to $400K plus medical benefits from the US Department of Labor.
Call EEOICPA Counsel Hugh Stephens at 1-800-548-4494, email hstephens@stephensstephens.com, or fill out the form below whether or not you have already filed a claim and even if your claim has been accepted or denied.
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R. William Stephens, Esq.
R. Hugh Stephens, Esq.
Lisa P. Neff, Esq.