Joslyn Manufacturing And Supply Company
Home / Areas of Practice / Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) / EEOICPA: SEC Sites By State / Joslyn Manufacturing And Supply Company
Also Known As: Joslyn Stainless Steel Co.
State: Indiana
Location: Ft. Wayne
Time Period: March 1943-1952
Facility Type: Atomic Weapons Employer
Facility Description
Joslyn rolled uranium rods from billets for use by the Manhattan Engineering District (MED) and the Atomic Energy Comission (AEC) in weapons production.
Process Descriptions
Considerable early work at Joslyn Manufacturing was for the purpose of determining the best procedures for rolling and machining natural uranium rods, which made it necessary that the procedures changed over time; however, the basic process remained fairly consistent. Natural uranium billets were received by rail at Joslyn Manufacturing, unloaded by an overhead crane onto carts, and stored in a storage area. The billets were taken, as needed, from the storage area to the
tempering area, pre-heated in one of eight small natural-gas-atmosphere electric furnaces to a specified temperature, and moved to the rolling mills (an 18-inch roughing stand, 12-inch intermediate mill, and a 9-inch finishing mill were used) where passes occurred (Army Corps, 2005, pdf pp. 6-7). These rolling mills were located in close proximity in one large area, approximately 25 feet from the furnaces. Time was allowed for the rolls to cool between passes in order to prevent the metal from exceeding a specified temperature.
Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co., in Ft Wayne, IN is listed as an Atomic Weapons Employer (AWE) from March 1, 1943 – December 31, 1947 under the EEOICPA.
Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) Classes
All Atomic Weapons Employees who worked for Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Company at the covered facility in Fort Wayne, Indiana, from March 1, 1943 through December 31, 1947, for a number of work days aggregating at least 250 work days, occurring either solely under this employment, or in combination with work days within the parameters established for one or more other classes of employees included in the Special Exposure Cohort.
Note: This class was established from Petition 200
All Atomic Weapons Employees who worked for Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co. at the covered facility in Fort Wayne, Indiana, from March 1, 1943, through July 31, 1948, for a number of work days aggregating at least 250 work days, occurring either solely under this employment, or in combination with work days within the parameters established for one or more other classes of employees included in the Special Exposure Cohort
Note: This class was established from Petition 200
As of 08/02/2015, the total compensation paid under Part B of the EEOICPA, including medical compensation, for workers suffering from the effects of having worked at Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Company is $9,031,360.
Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Company Workers
If you or your parent worked at this or any other AWE facility and became ill, you may be entitled to compensation of up to $150K plus medical benefits from the US Department of Labor. Call EEOICPA Counsel Hugh Stephens at 1-855-EEOICPA (336-4272) or fill out the form to the right, whether or not you have already filed a claim and even if your claim has been accepted or denied.
We can help with all OWCP (Federal Workers Compensation) claims, impairments, wage loss and health care. 2495 Main Street, Suite 442 Buffalo, NY.
NIOSH SEC Pertition Evaluation Reports
Petition 200 (Mar 1, 1943 to Dec 31, 1952)
SEC Petition Evaluation Report, Petition SEC-00200, Rev #:1
Report Submittal Date: December 3, 2012
SEC Petition Evaluation Report, Petition SEC-00200, Rev #: Addendum
Report Submittal Date: January 14, 2014
Technical Basis Documents
Site Profiles for Atomic Weapons Employers that Worked Uranium Metals
Effective Date: 06/17/2011
Site Profiles for Atomic Weapons Employers that Worked Uranium Metals, Appendix J – Joslyn
Effective Date: 10/07/2014
July 6, 2015
May 12, 2015
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If you or your parent worked any of the DOE or AWE facilities listed on this website and became ill, you may be entitled to compensation of up to $400K plus medical benefits from the US Department of Labor.
Call EEOICPA Counsel Hugh Stephens at 1-800-548-4494, email, or fill out the form below whether or not you have already filed a claim and even if your claim has been accepted or denied.
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R. William Stephens, Esq.
R. Hugh Stephens, Esq.
Lisa P. Neff, Esq.